Vacations bring along ease in every chore to be done. Why not? After all there's no hastiness, not much of hustle. For me summers have always been cuuhhrazzyyyy. Morning sunshine, breezy evenings, a different energy all through. Skies hold up and sunshine heat strains through the windows, across the fields, beams of daylight brewing past the beaches. My birthday too happens to fall in summer (at least here in India) , another reason to mention.
Whether its the endless gazes through the panes looking at some random person or even the greenery, engaging myself into links and clutches of thoughts leading to more thoughts or scanning through the photographs old and new.
This year's summer though is a little bit different. Some distances, some weakened attachments, someone's being missed hard. Though everyday this guy somehow manages to bring a smile on my face and that fills me with a hope that things are going to get better and all fine in a matter of just a few days. And I believe him, after these vacations when we meet the bond is going to be stronger than ever and the wind is going to blow crazier than ever.
I just wish summers next time would be as lively as they always are. Sometimes someone's absence just changes the way things used to be ordinarily, but then its okay because the longings are going to end soon, and the union is going to be sweeter than ever.